
Reputation is not Reality

The Creative Industry is not Inclusive

Despite its reputation, the creative industry faces both challenge and inequality. Proximity to urban areas offers opportunity; living in a rural area excludes it. Characteristics such as gender and colour become barriers to participation and fair enumeration. Early-stage creatives and professionals are regularly expected to work for free or for tshirts. This feeds discrimination, marginalization and stereotyping. EU and governmental policies and programs are supporting change. Talegate is making this change happen now

Talegate. Powered by Inclusivity and the Art of Storytelling

Talegate doesn’t have to ‘retrofit for inclusivity’ because we’ve never been anything else. Our mission has always been “Breaking through barriers caused by location, gender, or minority to make accessible and creative stories. “
Talegate is a 100% remote working enterprise. Remote working technologies and work practices are the first visible form our promise to break barriers.
We know that Inclusivity, Diversity and Decent Work makes for unique storytelling products. These are our ‘good stories, well told’. To demonstrate our social impact, we have adopted the UN Sustainability Goals.

Your Support Breaks Barriers

Become a part of our cycle of creativity, employment and enjoyment! Support a project as a Partner, Sponsor, Patron or Collaborator. Choose the story and SDG Goals that most satisfy your desire to contribute.
Contact Marilyn Fleming and help to break the barriers that muffle good stories.

What’s Happening

Explore the incredible collaborations that make the Talegate stories truly special.

Link to Art of Crime Order Page

The Art of Crime

No crime is committed in a vacuum.

Dive into the world of crime, its people & the relationships that compel them. In this thought-provoking collection, James Fleming uncovers the cultural and personal relevance of the crime noir genre.

Discover for yourself the beating heart that lies within...The Art of Crime.

When you buy The Art of Crime, you are helping Talegate to develop decent work for those who don't ordinarily get the opportunity because of where they live, their gender, or their minority status. You're joining Talegate as we make products that contribute the UN Sustainable Development Goals for decent work, gender empowerment, and inclusive economic growth.

On sale now. Click here to get your copy.

Book Cover and Christmas Sale Notice

A Little Mouse That Built Itself a House in a Christmas Cake

Nib the Mouse wants to move into a new house made of Christmas Cake. But Mistress Kitty is on the lookout! How will it all end?

Here’s a charming Christmas story that easily joins the likes of The Night Before Christmas and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Purchasing this newly-illustrated edition of a nearly lost Christmas story is a vote of support for Talegate's commitment to the UN SDGs. You're also promoting decent jobs as it is produced by an all female team in Ireland and Pakistan.

Click here to order your book or ebook.

Where's The Lady?

Film Noir meets slapstick comedy. This film short is destined for the 2024 Dublin Smartphone Film Festival. Our independent movie-makers are working from Galway, Wexford, Dublin and Prague. And we’re proving that remote-working, smartphone tech and dodgy internet can be used to bring cultural & professional benefits to loads of people all over the place.

Primary photography was completed on location at GreenTech HQ, Enniscorthy, Ireland.

You can be a movie financier by making a donation. Get your film credit and choose additional perks like a limited edition Tshirt or a ticket to the movie launch at DSFF '2024. What's more, you will be partnering with Talegate in its commitment to UN SDG's to develop decent work regardless of location or gender. Click here to choose your perk!

Link to Where's The Lady? Crowdfunding